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Andrew is one of the most amazing people you will ever meet. He is funny, like able to make the whole class laugh with a joke. But he also one of the kindest, most caring people out there. He will always ask you whats wrong, and he can tell if you are lying and make you tell him the truth about how you feel. Andrews tend to be tall with really beautiful eyes that you can just look into for hours. They have an amazing smile and when they smile at you, you get butterflies in your stomach and feel lucky. Andrew is the guy you will look for in the hallways and be close friends with He is the guy you can always depend on to make you happy. He can say the sweetest things and make you smile with just a few words. The only bad thing about an andrew is most of the time you end up falling in love with them. If you meet an andrew you will never want to lose them. They will always be there for you. But don't betray them ever unless you want to lose the best friend you've ever had.

Did you see the new kid?
Yeah, hes so hot
Hes definitely an andrew

by Siena Claus June 17, 2019

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Andrew is a gay, ugly, guy. Andrew loves to suck penis and toes. He loves guy booty and he love penises. He will suck your toes and give you a blowjob for $10. He will give you assfreeting you want.

I paid andrew $10 and got a free blow job.

by RealMan06 October 21, 2019

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Andrew is a rare breed of person who was never born in the time he was suposed to be. Andrews usauly have good lives. Others are complete hell holes. Andrews are genrally acepted by people. But if they had a shity life arnt accepted. They usaully have a big cock. And get most hot chicks.

Dude: whoa Andrew I hard you got laid.

At the party
Andrew: ya man it was that new hot chick

by Meh5645 July 3, 2017

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Normally a males name. Believes he failed as a man. Vows to always be single so he can’t hurt anyone Anymore. Normally someone who everyone can laugh AT. Deserves the pain he’s in. Wishes people the happiness they get in life. Wants people to be loved in ways he can’t. He now knows his worth. Normally says sorry a lot because he knows he’s always wrong.

Haha haha!! Laugh at Andrew

by IamWorThless420 June 20, 2020

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Fat boy who likes young children

Stop pulling an Andrew by going after kids

by Ok_kay October 15, 2019

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A gay cheating scumbag who will pretend to be your friend and then says your fake behind your back and tries to jump both of your best friends.

OMG is that Andrew, I heard he cheated on Cassidy with his Ex

by ToeCheez-it January 21, 2019

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The biggest dumbass you will ever meet. Such a man whore

Andrew is such a thot

by Me7976 November 7, 2018

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