A way of mildly offending someone without crossing any homophobic, racist, or inappropriate boundaries, usually meant light heartedly, but sometimes with harsh intent.
Used with the intent of being racist actually, and as a matter of fact, a lot of the time is meant to make someone hate their life, so yeah, have fun you bunch of gay cunts.
Oh has you seen that fucking nigga, he’s an absolute convict, robbing bikes n shit.
Someone who would make a great asset to a team because they are an awesome part by themselves. Like a space marine who has legendary qualities on their own but also work in a squad of other space marines. Also think about the movie Predator, that alien was from a planet of other predators that hunt together in the comics and was up against Arnie who was part of a commando squad out in the jungle but they went one to one which just goes to show what absolute units they are.
That guys an absolute unit, I want him on my team
The absolute definition of a chonker.
An absolute unit = a gigachad of immaculate form.
Goncalos are natural born absolute units.
Goncalo: I'm an ABSOLUTE UNIT
The rest of the lads: yeah whatever...
Absolute Unit-Person who can run opps down on the daily except roadmen with the names Kane and Kenzie
Absolute unit-take down any fake roadmen
Kane-I’ll run man down innit
Charlie and Lewis run Kane down easy
A man or woman of exceptional body mass, size, and/or corpulence.
Liverpool BMX president Neil Cameron said, despite the name, Kama Kazi is a "lovely bloke", "great with the kids" and also an "absolute unit".
Emma/Zara MM
A literal God. Living on mf earth. Emma is a god and a unit. She is always right. She is an absolute unit. A gamer boy. An absolute unit.
Bruh babe bro...Emma...is an absolute unit.
Absolute Unit? Bro that's Emma.
*flexes big phat muscles.