A moment when it is time to step up and make good on your leadership credentials.
The team was underperforming and unco-ordinated. It was alpha time.
Desire to have your sex partner to "take you" "rule you" be the "aggressor" and therefore be submissive to thier desires. Usually a rougher more animal like encounter.
"Oh baby, will you please alpha me all night long?"
Toby is alpha. Toby is sexy and funny and smart. You wish you were Toby. Kira kins Toby, Toby is Kira, Toby likes piss
Kai: omg Alpha Toby ur so..Strong,sexy,smart, and funny🥺👉👈
Toby Alpha:I know....🤬
A driver with the urge to always be the lead car of a group. They will drive whatever speed it takes to remain the front car. Alpha-Driver's are most commonly seen driving a truck.
Sorry I'm late, I couldn't get off at the exit I needed to because an Alpha-Driver wouldn't let me pass.
A term used in the video game Ark: Survival evolved for a player who has alot if loot but is cat poop at the game and elements of the game.
Drew is an Alpha Bob, he runs into turrets all the time
When your girlfriend says "out for blood" and you mistake it for "alpha blood" and decide to make it a whole thing and create a definition for it on urban dictionary. Now, this will become a trend. Everyone will start using it and it will be a symbol of virility, strength, resolve and the unbreakable nature of human character.
Her: "*speaking through nose from a cold* wow, $100! That utility company is out for blood"
Him: "what's alpha blood"
Her: "Out for blood"
Him: "Alpha blood it is. I am a man with alpha blood. That sounds about right."
Another way to describe a person who is an absolute unit/alpha male.
Joe: Wow, you’re such an alpha grub. I can’t believe you have the body count of 69!
Mama: I know I am.