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References from the show JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

everything is a Jojo's reference

by Flavio Spaghetti January 19, 2021

I am done here with everything (02/02/2025)...The First Juvenile Release.


Person 220: I am done here with everything (02/02/2025)...The First Juvenile Release.

by LeSouffleDeVersailles February 3, 2025

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

And everything

used to refer vaguely to other things associated with what has been mentioned.

you'll still get paid and everything

by Arminkshipper July 16, 2024

Everything airy

This is a state or situation in which everything going as smooth to your satisfaction or comfort ability... created by Marcus Noah

Toju, Mr ben is not in school today see how everything airy.

by _iamprezo May 2, 2020

everything is chess

Just like chess, every decision in the game of life has an impact on the rest of your game. One bad move and your entire game is ruined or in the least, it makes it hard to recover from that bad choice. Ask mom for $40 just so you can get 20$? Chess...Souping up the Chipolte girl just so she gives you more chicken, chess.

Yo, yesterday i noticed that a cop pulled out in back of me a few lights back. My tags are expired so I hit that left and a right into Bristol Farms, got out and kept it moving. Everything is chess.

by MajorChess October 11, 2019

Everything is less than three

An expression saying that "Everything is love". Comes from the <3 thingy that ppl use when typing things.

Everything is less than three <3

by coveted seed July 23, 2023

everything i dislike is a cult

Something smart people say when Atheists claim all Christians are bad people

DumbAtheists: Christianity is a Cult

Sane people: everything i dislike is a cult

by Atheistsarelyingtothemselvs February 4, 2021

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