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Díana: Tyler fuck yOu ! You’re an asshole
Tyler: I know I am

by Gloryoongi July 5, 2018

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A boyfriend who made his very nice, beautiful, and sexy girlfriend cry for his selfish reasons

Brennen is such and asshole (girlfriend in tears)

by ₩¥§μ¬Г[]θ¤θ©{%=÷§~¿¡^₩ June 28, 2015

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An arrogant self centered male who thinks he does no wrong. This is an every day occurrence. You never know what mood he will be in.

Don Miatke is an asshole.

by Nochoice March 9, 2016

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To push someone’s ass into a hole of some sort in an effort to get them out of your way

“If he gets in your way, asshole him!”

Asshole, verb.

by JimothyJangaloosfendaserinjin. February 26, 2019

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Your and asshole

by Styletastic November 28, 2016

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The kid I used to sit next to in class 😂

"His name was jack and I swear he really was an asshole like lietterly I felt like stabbing the prick in the face all the time "

by F friending October 8, 2015

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A stupid / irritating person

Siddanth is an asshole

by InvelY March 3, 2019

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