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Zac Attack

To knowingly trick or deceive somebody through misleading statements or falsehoods about future intentions in order to get something for nothing, always at the expense of the deceived.

“I just spent $70 at the bar. Jim told me that he was buying half the rounds, but he didn’t even have a tab with the bar tender. I ended-up paying the whole bill myself. I just got Zac Attacked!"

“Jim said he would give my wife a ride home to make sure that she didn’t do anything bad with another man at the bar… but he ended-up taking her home, getting her drunker and putting it in her butt. I just got Zac Attacked!"

by AnonymousDC January 19, 2007

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lard attack

A fluctuation in your heart rate felt moments after biting into food that has a high fat content, is really greasy, or just unhealthy in general. One may feel their breathing go heavy and feel a food coma coming along as they feel the cholesterol flowing through their veins.

1: Yo man, you ok? You haven't taken a bite of your big mac in a minute, bro.

2: Nah, man. Is it okay if we go chill at your pad? I think I'm having a lard attack

by thesoaris February 17, 2015

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Rack Attack

When women use their breasts to fight each other. Similar to when men sword fight.

Karen got a black eye from that rack attack.

by 1thumbwonder October 23, 2017

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puppy attack

when flicking the bean for so long the eventual orgasm equates to the overwhelming joy found when 300 fluffy puppies pounce on you to frolic.

My finger cramped up but I gave her a puppy attack that left her smiling for days.

by normnomnorm July 15, 2011

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attack navel


A term describing someone who is cool overall, but occasionally can be incredibly frustrating. Usually the frustration is caused by the person beating someone else at a game (Scrabble, for example) or something else competitive. Originated on the GameFAQs.com message boards years ago, and while it has maintained a presence since then, it has gone largely unnoticed.

Damn! In the last four out of six games of Scrabble, that attack navel used all seven of her letters within the first two turns!

by M.M. April 29, 2005

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Fanny Attack

When someone (a female) goes absolutely nuts over the smallest thing and becomes hysterical. A bit like being a Karen I suppose.

Aisling went to the cupboard but someone had eaten the last pack of Tato’s! She had a total Fanny attack. Calm down Miss Murphy stop having a Fanny Attack! Have some Monster Munch instead.

I dont want your Monster Munch ya Mogg I want my Tatos!

by Razorcharlie February 14, 2022

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time attack

Japanese version of the Amercian phrase "time trial" for circuit racing.

Justin's RX-7 is mainly used for time attack runs at Laguna Seca.

by cagefreak June 4, 2006

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