A bozo is a person, who has low inteligence and acts like a dumb mf.
Bozo also means a bitch in Georgian language (ბოზი,ბოზო).
-ummmm do yk whats 2+2?
-ew bozo! Its 4!
-will u go out w me?
-NO u bozo!
A word kids use when they never felt a female touch. This causes them to lose their social ability.
Tyler Blevins: You can suck a tip lil kid
Kid wit no bitches: Lmao ok bozo ratio.
A person with a low intelligence and cannot grasp basic concepts.
Madi: EJ is such a bozo
Jfer: Facts he is a bozo.
Something one might say to describe a certain individual as stupid or rude, usually meant in a playful manner.