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A douche bag. A man who is douchey

Man: Send me nudes
Woman: No

Man: Why, you're being such a bitch
Woman: Okay Brett

by J Topel November 23, 2021


A male Karen

We had a total Brett call into Sony customer service today, he yelled at Shelly and demanded to speak with a manager. Something about posting on Reddit and not getting the support he needed.

by supergriff77 November 23, 2021


A mf hick who only dates hoes and can’t read

“Brett what does that say”
“Bro it says tree tf ?”

by Your homie dessa ;) June 3, 2020


my boyfriend so back off bitches

this is my boyfriend, Brett.

by niallhoransupremacy November 29, 2021


A boy who is a dick head

Damn, that boy acts like a Brett.

by We_Don’t_Care_Anymore June 13, 2019


He’s a very smart and tall guy guy. He’s caring and looks amazing and is a total love bug with a hilarious personality. He’ll be your best friend and definitely someone you can always go to he’s definitely too good to be true because you’d never think he’d do anything bad to you. But he’ll break your heart and leave you whenever he wants. He won’t care about how long he knew you or how much you’ll do for him. He’s a player. And he’ll charm you until you fall in love. Don’t get caught up in that storm.

Don’t trust a brett. He’s a manipulator. ”

by Jada spearman June 14, 2019


A dingle-berry

Brett is such a single-berry!

by Expertsir July 22, 2022