A board game that is played with a dice ๐ฒ and comes with 10 BEJS and 8 GanBJraStas
and 1 black ninja and 1 master Japannoe. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior. โฅ๏ธ.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ๐ ganbjrastass capital. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior โฅ๏ธ โจ๏ธ.
Originally from Arkansas bend over bootys Banging ASS'S. relbjaloods relbjaluds capital of the state of Arkansas Banging backwards Bending over bootys Banging ASS'S the maclonnbeveli black movement of the akfrucun American aks choppers and black people's born and raised from Arkansas akfrucun american doubjrag life. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ๐ Ganbjrastass capital Banging backwards board game ๐ฒ relbjaloods in red relbjaluds in blue by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior โฅ๏ธ. Big bad MUAHLONNBExplosions.DOUBJraG life.
Originally from Arkansas bend over bootys Banging ASS'S. DOUBJraG life relbjaloods relbjaluds capital of the state of Arkansas Banging backwards Bending over bootys Banging ASS'S the maclonnbeveli black movement of the akfrucun American aks choppers and black people's born and raised from Arkansas akfrucun american By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ๐ ganbjrastass capital Banging backwards board game ๐ฒ DOUBJRAg life relbjaloods in red relbjaluds in blue by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior โฅ๏ธ.
Originally from Arkansas bend over bootys Banging ASS'S. Bejroogurs DOUBJraGs relbjaloods relbjaluds capital of the state of Arkansas Banging backwards Bending over bootys Banging ASS'S. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ๐ ganbjrastass capital Banging backwards board game ๐ฒ bejroogurs in black DOUBJRAgs in green relbjaloods in red relbjaluds in blue by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior โฅ๏ธ.
Originally from Arkansas bend over bootys Banging ASS'S. Bejroogurs DOUBJraGs relbjaloods relbjaluds capital of the state of Arkansas Banging backwards Bending over bootys Banging ASS'S. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ๐ ganbjrastass capital Banging backwards board game ๐ฒ bejroogurs in black DOUBJRAgs in green relbjaloods in red relbjaluds in blue by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior โฅ๏ธ.
A imaginary force called upon in game 7 but has never come previously for the capitals
Have you ever seen the capitals come back from being down 2-0? Yeah me neither.
A capital number= A number at the beginning of a series of numbers, example 57885557 the 5 would be the capital number. Only 1 through 9 may be capital numbers, except for proper numbers (0, 11, 12 ). Proper numbers are capital numbers as well (except at the beginning of a series of numbers) Example 115663 a 1 is the capital number not 11.
You dot your capital numbers or proper numbers, decimals are also capitals and should be dotted. Dot on the top for reading right to left, on the bottom for reading left to right. Capital numbers are also the hours on a clock, they are capitals because they represent more than one number, for example 1am is also 1pm. Always leave a decimal beside solitary capital numbers, always dot your decimals and always check your time.
I always capitalize my capital numbers and leave a decimal behind solitary ones.