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lowell catholic high school

Currupt P.O.S. school where they only want your money

Bro my principle at Lowell catholic high school is fake

by Bigb1254 September 18, 2017

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union catholic high school

A private high school in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. Only volleyball girls go here, all guys are either gay or djโ€™s and also Sydney Mclaughlin. UC is pretty much a public school and breeds non-binary, they/thems.

Girl: Do u go to Seton hall Prep or Delbarton?
Boy: No I go to Union Catholic High school
Girl: Lol (walks away)

by BobMarley213 November 14, 2021

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Holy Trinity Catholic School

A horrible school full of sluts and thots

The teachers (other than a select few) like to make students lives horrible

Random kid: You know those niggas at holy trinity catholic school
Other kid: yeah
Random kid: I heard teachers fuck their students there
Other kid: really?

by qwerrtyuiop69 December 10, 2019

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cardinal pole catholic school

A school full of fake skets. Too many Snakes ๐Ÿ roaming through the halls. This school is like a zoo like why pay to go visit London zoo when you can see people in cp for free? Most of the girls have been baited out. 99% of the boys r ugly asf. Everyoneโ€™s a nitty. Most of these teachers canโ€™t even teach bro. They get paid to give detentions. They shove homework down your throat and the things they teach in class are never in the exams. To sum it up , this school is a fucking joke.

Student 1: I hate cardinal pole catholic school!!

Student 2: Agreed

Teacher: *hears conversation*

Teacher: You are both excluded for 2 weeks!

Students: WTF!

by NoneOfYourBusinessHoeSksksk December 5, 2019

st. mark catholic school

welcome to shit hole number 1. where the 7th graders are sluts and every 8th grader has seen their nudes. where basically every girl has given top. and everyone has gotten high in the bathroom. so welcome to slut whole number 1

person 1: I'm going to st. mark catholic school
person 2: have fun getting top in class

by bitch694201829888 May 26, 2019

saint mary catholic school

SMCC is a catholic school for thots and prep kids.

The kids at Saint Mary Catholic School are just preppies and thots

by SMCCbeDUMB September 21, 2019

Immaculate Conception Catholic Academy

this school is located in Jamaica Estates, Queens, NY.
and its ass.

laura: you go to Immaculate Conception Catholic Academy??
jimmney: yeah. its smells like ass all the time

by i8utoo February 12, 2021