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President Trump's misspelling of "conference."

Despite the negative press covfefe.

by Mr. Adventure June 2, 2017

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Just end all your tweets with this whenever you need to distract people from the Russia story and give people grounds to think it's all dementia so you can resign and tag-team in your veep to finish the cover-up.

"Despite the constant negative press covfefe"

by zanzalaz May 31, 2017

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A 'covfefe' is a combination of a hair covering, such as a wig, a coif and a quif.

A 'covfefe' can be problematic when typing on Twitter after 'lights out', as it may fall forward and block your view. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, used the term, most likely out of frustration, when he tweeted "Despite the constant negative press covfefe".

I'm trying to run the country and the free world, but my covfefe has a mind of its own.

by Nettythe1st May 31, 2017

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n. A word that is invented (knowingly or unknowingly) and then used publicly with the expectation that its meaning will be understood, especially with embarrassing results.

v. The act of creating such a word.

The President's covfefe inspired an uproar of comments among detractors who used the word to mock him.

by JesusWept June 1, 2017

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That moment when your so dumb you have a stroke and mess up your tweet but don't delete it for 5 hours

"hi how are you?"
"I am covfefe"

by Unknown.emo2703 June 1, 2017

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a Nambian euphanism for amnity

He was given covfefe by the President

by Verboceac October 5, 2017

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Potus; deriv: Covxoxo; Noun:
Mixed emotional reaction that blends resentment over negative publicity generated by the free press with the delight in receiving free publicity for anything at all.

Another day, another dollar, thanks to all this thankless, relentless and better-than-PAC-bucks covfefe, plus Alec's constant covxoxo.

by Torrential Downpour May 31, 2017

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