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Hate crime Wednesday

“Hate crime Wednesday” is a day that occurs every week in which all hate crimes are legal

Dan: hey faggot
Bob: woah! Dude you can’t say that

Dan: it’s hate crime Wednesday

by Lunathebitch August 2, 2022

crime against cinemanity

(ˈkrīm ə-ˈgen(t)st cin· e·man· i· ty)

: cinematic atrocity (such as a truly Razzie Award worthy film) that is directed especially against an entire moviegoing population or part of a moviegoing population on specious grounds and without regard to individual good taste or aesthetic sensibilities).

The Syrian refugee wept for her soul, her family, and the world as she witnessed the cruelest work humanity had to offer. She just watched and witnessed The Hottie & the Nottie (2008). That was a soul crushing crime against cinemanity experience.

by Tsarstepan December 13, 2019

Hate Crime

Something that white gay girls joke about because they think eyeliner is going to kill someone

Emma said to me “I’m going to get hate crimed here”. Having no idea that my family has been hate crimed for being black.

by nobody-knows7 May 19, 2021

Hate Crime

When a bigot thinks they get to say or do whatever they please to an either racial, sexual or gender minority just because they don't like what or who they are AKA A Racist/Phobic Prick.

My Friend: Are you okay?
Me: Other than having experienced a Hate Crime I'm peachy.

My Friend: Sorry
Me: Yeah, I know but the more things change the more they stay the same, people like that deserve a sentence not freedom.

by Abigail Asher September 24, 2023

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hate crime

this is a crime you do because you really hate someone and you will do anything to put them away. you lie about them committing crimes or keep harassing them to they threaten to kill you whatever you can do to get away with it and put them away. a lot of times because you jealous of them

hate crime people is serious terrorist who don't ever get punish or caught

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ May 20, 2022

Hate Crime

A crime, usually violent, that is motivated by race, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.

Because Karen etched a homophobic slur onto my car, she will not only be charged with vandalism, but also a possible hate crime.

by Yoyo5371 April 16, 2021

Hate Crime

that thing you do to the Dunkin Donuts cashier when they remove the seasonal donuts a week before they are fucking supposed to.

I just want fucking donut, don't make me commit a Hate Crime again.

by bigwillydanielson November 16, 2022