Adjective; something or someone that is unbelievably cringe.
It's so Eddie baby to clap when the plane lands
The worst character in the series called Stranger Things. Looks like his name is probably butthole
Who is Eddie Munson? I only know butthole.
A word you use when you are talking to Eddy.
Most likely using it during Discord calls.
Usually there is a lot of confusion after saying that.
Eddy kackt auf dem Pot.
Eddy kackt richtig hart.
Eddy kackt einfach so.
Eddy kackt dir ins Hirn.
Eddy kackt in deinen Nacken einen Kanacken.
Synonyme: Eddy kekt , Eddy kotet, Eddy muss ganz dringend groß.
A cannabis cigarette usually rolled with two extra large rolling skins so it's lengthy and girthy. Usually smoked under special circumstances.
John:"Its 4/20 tomorrow guys, are we smoking a celebratory King Eddie?"
Liam: "Of course, are you partaking Ben?"
Ben: "i will go to the shop for papers"
Aggressive, sometimes buzzed, usually hammered creature in slow parts of rivers.
When rafting and taking a stop in slow and calm water an eddy shark can be known to fuck your shit up. Good luck.
Ed-Dee-Sys-Tem (noun)
1. A system created in 2010 to help struggling working classmen succeed in the work place
2. A system created to run in a grocery store.
3. An ordered and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principles, doctrines, or the like in a particular field of knowledge or thought: a system of philosophy.
4. A coordinated body of methods or a scheme or plan of procedure; organizational scheme: a system to succeed.
5. Any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure: a system of marking, numbering, or measuring; a winning system at bridge.
6. A system founded by Eddie. It is described as a system to be successful at success.
Ray is running the Eddie System. He has all checkstands open, and is making check out success