When someone says something that hurts you personally
"Did you hear wat tom said to Josh, man that dude was ego fried."
When you think your idea is original and great when you are absolutely lying to yourself and everyone else because all you did was rename/rebrand someone else's idea, especially if you blew up the original policy and only rewrote the same thing with a different title. Some people do this just to praise themselves. Having your own label on a policy decision is only for your ego, and that ideology stinks and is immature.
President Trump blowing up the NAFTA deal and then changing the name with the same policies and countries was a huge ego fart.
An ego bastard is someone who has a large ego, an ego that is not induced by anyone but themself. Though, they might have the skills/strength to back their ego up.
Girl 1: “Gosh he’s so confident. He is SUCH an ego bastard”
Girl 2: “Hey at least he can back it up though”
Someone who identifies more with the character he/she is playing games even when not playing games.
That middle aged guy frothing milk has game ego bad because he's Commander III in The Ultimate Galaxy and that's why he's smiling and looking satisfied with himself, even tho he's making $10 an hour and his 18 year old boss just yelled at him.
Gooning to oneself, ones self image, or something of ones character.
Bro I'm mad ego gooning atm I went crazy over how fire I am bro im such a long atm
A person to have sex with never considering their feelings and your only intention is to boost your confidence and receive sexual pleasure.
Jim: "Look at that girl Joe she is very pretty."
Joe: "I'd like to take that little Ego Snack home for a ride around my bedroom."