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gypsy prince

a person whose dress sense is so bad that it is on par with a gypsy.

fucking hell ant, you're dressed like a gypsy prince!

by james 354 June 11, 2008

11πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

seat gypsie

A person or group of people who often move their seat at lunch, sporting event, or any other place in fear of having to sit next to someone they do not deem as cool.

Parker- Why do those kids always start a new table at lunch?
Jon- They're seat gypsies...

by Jamean Noits September 19, 2010

48πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

Gypsy's Kiss

The action of taking a piss but having no desire for a number 2

further known as kissing a gypsy for frequent use

#Dude 1: Dave come check this gash out by the bar!
#Dude 2: Give me 2 secs john just going for a gypsy's kiss

Dude 1: you guna be long man?
Dude 2: nana just guna give the gypsy a kiss

by Gulleykid August 29, 2008

11πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Gypsy Hypnosis

A trait commonly found in individuals that move from place to place (or couch to couch) promising money and fortune, but never delivering. They are especially crafty when it comes to eating other people’s food and drinking their boos. One is strongly discouraged from letting one of these types into your home or car and NEVER, I repeat, NEVER loan them money under any circumstance. If you do, forget about any thoughts or attempts at retribution!

Bo must of been under "Gypsy Hypnosis" when he agreed to lend Kevin $150 while they were in Vegas.

by Ben October 14, 2005

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Gypsy Juice

A bag of white wine removed from it's cardboard box and slapped before it is drunk to enhance it's full flavor. It is lifted above the head and poured directly from the nozzle to the mouth.

It's Gypsy Juice, not a bag of wine. Get your shit together.

by Pony Tits December 29, 2011

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Gypsy Song

A quick and repetitive chant used to ward off non-Roma.

Typical gypsy song: "Nikka-na-na-na nikka-nakka-nay!"

by nikbaron March 27, 2008

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

White gypsy

once a goal kick has been taken by your goal keeper on the FIFA games the opposition heads it back towards their forwards. At this point you will notice that your defence has disbanded allowing your opposition a chance on goal.

Where is my defence? ARRR

I hate white gypsy's

by treverbenjamin December 13, 2011

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