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Blake Drunk

One who consumes an extreme amount of alcohol when out and all motor functions deplete except for the ability to stand and hold a beer

Guy #1: "man, I was so hammered last night, i had to be carried home and then I vomited all over myself, I've lost my wallet and now everyone laughs at me when they see me "

Gy #2 " yeah you were 'Blake Drunk'. That Doesnt happen to often for you man, what happened?"

by bigr3d July 2, 2009

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Serious Blake

He's pretty fucking srs.

I hear Blake is being pretty serious tonight, after all, he is fucking Serious Blake.

by Xeonith August 24, 2008

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Blake Babineau

A person who is amazing at the sport of ice hockey. He is charming and a good friend. On that you would want to have on your side in a fight. Not the best looking guy, but still is accepted as one of those bad-ass guys that can make something worth while.

Blake Babineau helped me in a hockey fight....we won.

by oh-my-god-the-children April 11, 2011

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dan blake

1.to beat the hell out of someone or something.
2.to inflict pain on someone or something.
3.to cause a seizure.

Im going to dan blake him.

by Deizle January 21, 2009

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Dirty Blake

When you like a person so much that you will literally do anything for them.

Adam wanted to do a Steam Roller , so I pulled a Dirty Blake and let him do it.

by dlover18 April 4, 2020

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Anita Blake

Mean Tempered, sexy, and down to earth vampire slayer from the anita Blake Vampire hunter novels by L.k. Hamilton.

" They where treating me like i was a very dangerous person. At five-three I am not imposing. Raise the dead, kill a few vampires, and people start considering you one of the monsters..."- Anita Blake, 'The laughing Corpse." Book three of the Anita Blake vampire books.

by Linear_Bluedust April 20, 2005

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Sharon Blake

A victim in the psychological horror game, Silent hill 4: The Room. Sharon is the old lady victim, she is known as Victim 13. Years prior to the game, Sharon was concerned about what happened with her family who became members of Silent Hill's cult. One night, she decided to go to the forest near Silent Hill, where she saw the graves of her entire family. The next day, she was found murdered in the forest.

-Player: "Ah! who is this bag lady stalking me in the train!?"

-Friend: "That's Sharon Blake."

by Joseph Schreiber November 15, 2009

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