A question I constantly have in my head. And because you searched it, you probably are questioning reality too. We'll get through this. We can. I believe in you. Don't be afraid to get a therapist, even though I'm afraid too.
have the truth given to you way too hard that it suprises you, saddens you, or angers you
when the reality attack is sus
People believing events occurred or things existed in history when things were proven not have happen. Ex: Mandela Effect, Einstein's Theory of Relativity
He must have a distorted reality because Nelson Mandela did not die in prison during the 1980's
SIMULATED REALITY is when one's (subjective) version of REALITY is far from being in agreement with the majority of those in the group, in general.
"She is so fucking far from away from us with her SIMULATED REALITY! Let her jump off a cliff as long as she doesn't land on anyone."
Not to be confused with entertainment or acting, Creative Reality is the Scripted Reality where hence it is Reality to be scripted into a beautiful performance...
Where hence entertainment or acting might be fake, Creative Reality is not acting it is Reality..
Creative Reality defines an outside branch of Entertainment or Acting, hence it is real life & Reality from rags to riches..
Someone that can't really care a fuck. And ignores fucked-up opinions.
"Fred, why you are a reality-killer.-
"Cause I sick of opinioned politician with there bullshits. I already voted one. And I ain't going to do it again. I like isolation from society. Their all up to there necks. So, why bother about that."
1. When someone has been in their own world for a long time then 'wakes up'
2. Someone who refuses to face reality.
"I don't know how I can use Reality Coma in a sentence .-.'