a fan of Danny Gonzalez who is subscribed to both channels with notifications on.
To exclaim intrigue or excitement at the proposed topic of discussion or a recent turn of events.
Person 1: The boss got back to me, your shift tomorrow is covered.
Person 2: I am so Greg Yes about that.
a man from a small video containing humour and sexual references
Very much like Craig's List, except the shit being sold were stolen from the workplace. Items such as vacuum cleaners.
Where the fuck is the drill?? "Have you checked on Greg's List?" If that piece of shit stole it, I'm going to burn him in his wood-fire pizza oven.
The main character of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Considered to basically be a sociopath by some people, but one thing's for certain: He's a massive simp
"Greg Heffley's determination to get girls is unrealistically high. I'd just give up at this point."
Totally awesome supernatural handsome.and strong
Feeding the homeless is so Greg Tripp that Benz is so Greg Tripp