kit is hot. kit has a 9 1/2 inch penis. kit is very good at sex. everyone loves kit. gay
Kit is usually someone who is very peaceful and quiet. However they can pull quite the tactful prank when the need comes. Kit is loved by many and very kind and generous.
Kit is a great friend.
A cat in Brawl Stars who hides in the bushes waiting to get his ult and then literally jumps at another brawler, stuns them and kills them with one hit. And if you’re not lucky, watch out for a thumbs down pin
Me: “I’m gonna get rank 1 in this showdown match”
Kit: Jumps at me
Me: nevermind
Kit is a rare nickname for Chris/ Christopher, The person is usually pretty nice, caring, and funny. They are pretty introverted when you first meet them, but once you get to know them they are pretty open and kind, Kit is a guy who can make you smile when your at your lowest, You can trust them with anything- well mostly anything, They are beyond funny and are pretty goofy, He’ll ask if he can call you o spend time with you or ask to hang out to see you. But the more you hang out with Kit the more you start getting attached to him, Which isn’t a bad thing but maybe not the best. Kit is very understanding and cool about things, Kit has these eyes that are beyond pretty, and this smile that is adorably cute, and he has this laugh that just makes you really understand him. Kit is a flirt at times but other than that he’s someone to rely on and someone to trust, He’ll be there for you no matter what.
Kit is so trustworthy and kind, Sometimes I just wish he knew I liked him, but I don’t want to mess up our friendship
Shorten term for the word "Kitten"
Mostly used by a code word within gang stalking groups to identify their target.
the most sarcastic but funny girl, she has a small chode which is strangely very seducing and nobody can resist her! kit has had trouble with her toe confidence and is very secretive of her left big toe, she has a fetish for pigeons and hot watter bottles she falls hard and fast and stays in love forever. she is incredibly tall (7ft 10). kit is attracted to short men and the elderly.
"can i see your toes?"
"no, never"
"ugh your such a KIT!"
an absolutely sick guy who some people may call jepic.
u said yeah?? call kit, he’s fucking mint