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2007 Mentality

The mentality that most people on the vlogging side of YouTube had when the site was just getting started, back before being paid for making videos was a thing and YouTube gatherings were just a bunch of nerds standing in a field. The term was first used by Jazza John (rhymingwithoranges on youtube) in a video he did with Ashley Mardell to describe people who treat their favorite content creators like people, as opposed to objects.

Instead of treating her favorite YouTubers like unattainable celebrities, Amy treated them like they were her friends. She had the 2007 mentality.

by blazinskurb September 23, 2015

Mental Money

Similar to having peace of mind, but enough of which that a mental "currency" can be applied to give the degree of peace a value.

Cari: "I work on Monday, so I'll make a ton of money!"
Jake: "Yea, but I don't work and get to sit at home. So I'll be making more mental money doing nothing."

by Arrjay816 September 2, 2015

The Maik Mentality

Don't be part of the problem, be the ENTIRE problem

Speaker 1 : I didn't support child labor at McDonalds, I provided the children
Speaker 2 : Wow that's The Maik Mentality right there

by M.Thor November 2, 2022

mental for oriental

when someone is crazy for Asian people.

person 1 - "I only like Asian woman."
person 2 - "You’re mental for oriental."

by Justin R.😉 July 3, 2013

mental snort

The act of snorting at something funny in your head because nobody is around to hear you do it out loud.

I saw some douchebag giving the camera finger guns in his corporate picture. Nobody was around to hear me so I gave it a mental snort.

by T-Cup May 21, 2014

Mental wizard

When a person thinks they have a clue but actually have no clue at all...

Everytime i tell her a joke , i have to explain it to her. She is such a mental wizard

by LS1power July 26, 2016

mentally masturbate

When one is confused and spends more time then necessary mulling over the multitude of variables that come into play when making decisions.
Much like self pleasuring, the vast amount of thoughts that pertain to the situation in which you are trying to make the decision flood or overwhelm your thought process/senses thereby causing you to become consumed with nonsensical thoughts that end up wasting yours and others time.

When Joe finally caught up with the rest of the gang they wondered what had taken him so long,

he replied 'I had to listen to Amy mentally masturbate over which iphone cover to buy'

by Chilcotin Buddha January 7, 2014