A movement that seeks to educate women about dehooding or in other words cutting off the hood that covers the head of the clit and encourage them to have it done. And one faction of the movement seeks to give parents the choice to have there daughters dehooded.
Did you hear about the dehooding movement.
Umbrella movement was made to call out lippaphobes for saying lipstick.
"Theyre in the umbrella movement" "oh wow"
The dervish movement was the garadate i.e. kingdom of Garad Diiriye Guure circa 1895 to 1920.
She remonisced on dervish movement
dervish movements are any type of dhulbahante spearheaded activism
dervish movements are any type of dhulbahante goals
A dervish movement is any type of dhulbahante spearheaded activism
thats a dervish movement
Taking a shit on an inter-Continental flight.
FYI: Use with caution, since "ICBM "is also the acronym for Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile.
Do NOT go into the restroom: that guy just dropped a nasty ICBM: Inter-Continental Bowel Movement.