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Sandwich Muncher

A derogatory term used to describe polish people because they eat a lot of andwiches

Random English person: Hey its a sandwich muncher!!!!!
Random polish person: *cries*

by ImTwisTy January 13, 2022

Crayon Muncher

Defined as a person in a video game who shows no sign of common sense and intellect, very similar to being braindead

Look at this Crayon Muncher spamming.

by KamiFR0ZE September 22, 2023

Box Muncher

Some that eat pussy

She's a box muncher

by ZJay412 November 1, 2020

Nipple Muncher

A Nipple Muncher is someone who is so extremely stupid they aren’t real.

Bro Todd is such a Nipple Muncher.

by batmanlover2757 October 20, 2022

Penny Muncher

Someone who eats ass

Geez he looks like a penny muncher

by JaredBear324 September 23, 2018

Minnie muncher

Another way of calling someone a rug muncher.

Dude, she's not interested in guys, she's a minnie muncher

by No one significant June 24, 2010

butt muncher

When your undies are getting chewed up by your massive ass.

Andrew you once again your a butt muncher, next time put a larger size on.

by fart patrol September 28, 2019