Nova ponpeyin meaning "Gassing poor Mexicans"
A terriost group is going to nova ponpeyin six million poor Mexicans
The most perfect person in the entire universe. According to this person named “Sunny” Rei is the prettiest most adorable person ever. They are perfect in every way. They are incredibly intelligent and they’re way too kind. They’re the sweetest most brilliant person ever. If you ever meet a Rei/Nova/Ava, give them a big hug because they deserve the world.
“Wow is that Rei/Nova/Ava? They deserve the world man, I have to give them a big hug.”
A channel. the owner is a dick sometimes
Also. Hello Nova
Me: I listen to Nova NC
Friend: Stahp. get some help
esta nova means dirty slut. esta nova is degrading.
“yo your girlfriend is a esta nova”
esta nova means dirty slut. esta nova is a word that can be used to degrade somebody.
“yo your girlfriend is a esta nova”
Nova Soul is a rapper from Michigan.
He created Fallen Few and you can find his music on Soundcloud by searching "Nova Soul"
He started rap in Mt. Pleasant and refers to his state as "Mich Town"
"Wow, Nova Soul has been coming out with music non-stop"
Astrid Nova is a shy person at first, but when he gets the courage, she will be his unapologetic self. Astrid is creative, artistic, intelligent, and determined. It’s beauty transcends the concept of binary gender. You’re lucky if you ever get to meet them.
Person 1: Wow, look at that person and their artwork. Who is it?
Person 2: That’s Astrid Nova. They’re amazing aren’t they?
Person 1: They sure are!