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arse with a nose on it

The face of someone who is considered to be very ugly.

Bloody hell, have you seen him? His face looks like my arse with a nose on it.

by Onion Terror December 16, 2007

Toaster Nose

A person with nostrils so big you can cook poptarts in them.

Boy: Hey do you know Rami Barakat?

Girl: Yeah he has such a toaster nose! I want cinnamon poptarts every time I see him.

by odlawansierehw September 14, 2014

Barbie Nose

A doll with an upturned nose which is consisting of a low almost flat bridge. There is always a greater demand for achieving this nose shape by patients although responsible plastic surgeons will not even give you one!

Patient: Doctor, I want to have a nose like a Barbie doll.

Doctor: What is it?

Patient: It's called a 'Barbie nose'. I want to have a small and upturned nose like Barbie.

Doctor: I'm so sorry I can't give you one because the nose shape itself will make your face disproportionate.

by kitkatkaties April 30, 2021

nose in the air

used to describe the way someone behaves when they think they are better than other people and do not want to speak to them:

She walked past me with her nose in the air.

by Ilkin Goyushov February 15, 2017

Spicy nose

When you're drinking a fizzy drink and you burp out your nose

Jeff : lets crack open a cold one
Geoff : yeah mate
Jeffery : I gotta burp - oh no I got spicy nose ah

by Decentbritish June 13, 2017


Bogeys, snot

When people pick their nose they usually find nose-nart

by Deego78 July 20, 2015

Nose the Nest

Getting your nose buried all up in her wooly, hairy bush, taking in those embedded, intoxicating aromas, all while eating her out like a fat kid eating cake.

Can’t wait to get home to nose the nest tonight. Rachel is hairy AF and love that Chewbacca looking poon.

by Dick Onchin December 7, 2020