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scene is just what emo kids call themselves when another kid calls them emo.

"I'm not emo, i'm scene!" (runs away crying like the little fag he actually is)

by invisible circus August 19, 2007

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a scene girl or guy
that thinks they are hot sh@t.
and thinks nobody looks better than they do
the guys are usually ignorant to the 'lesser cool kids' that try to talk to them on their myspace
and they usually think having 10,000 friends on myspace is amazing!
and they like listening to heavy metal supposodly when they secretly love listening to the latest discrace of a song by jeffree star.

the gay kids

usually put something like britney spears or something so fkin wack on their profile

and the girls think they are so hardcore they could knock a elephant out.
the girls usually put some sh!t unsigned grindcore band on their myspace that usually scares the living day lights out of people because its unexpected and the volume is up.

the guys have black or brown hair
something ordanary & long.
and the girls have something wild in their hair
like a racoon
and consist of having 6000 hair extension pieces on to fit in.

they dont need piercings these days.

omg have you heard of the remix remix remix remix of cosmetic surgery by jeffree star!!!!'
im so scene

by mistii October 15, 2007

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when a girl or a homosexual fucks up your day.

damn, that bitch ass hoe gave me a scene.

by george March 13, 2005

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Scene kids are cool. Stop being so mean about everything and learn to accept others for who they want to be. This is a free country and if kids wanna go ahead and be scene, emo, or whatever, then let them. stop hating them for making decisions like that. it's their life. let them live it the way they want to. critisizing them isn't doing anything but making yourself look like an asshole.

Being scene isn't all about saying "nig", "raddd", "OMFG", or any of that crap. get your shit straight.

by Tofuumo. May 24, 2007

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Someone who takes pictures of themselves looking depressed or contemplative. They are either looking away from the camera or straight into the camera. Their hair is usually covering part of their face. Dark make-up and dress are usually worn, but not always. Pictures are usually developed in gray scale or sepia tone.

Your picture is so emo that you look like a scenester.

by Calixta Corin March 2, 2005

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Kids who a lot of people seem to hate for absolutely no reason. I don't think that you can describe a person. I mean, even if you describe a certain style that that person falls into. They still are individuals and everyone is different. You can't say that two people are exactly the same in every way. Sure, they might dress that way, but that doesn't mean they're the exact same.
So people stop saying the exact same thing in every one of these entries. It's really obnoxious.

Scene kid: People who say I'm a clone are dumb.
Me: You said it, you're actually really nice and have awesome clothes.
Scene kid: Thank you!! :)

by billabong-cutie_69 August 18, 2007

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an epidemic that causes kids to:
-wear skinny jeans
-steal their grandmother's sunglasses
-cut their own hair and dye/ bleach it.( the platinum blonde/jet black combo is popular.)
-buy plastic jewelry
-allow myspace to take over their lives
-wear super long extensions(alternating short choppy hair to long dirty extensions) <<new thing.
-take a million myspace pictures while out on the town, at the mall, in a bathroom, or while faded/drunk.
-say words like "Nigg"
-act like assholes.

scene girl:"Omgz that girl totally stole my hairdo"

bystander:"Um. You all have the same style."

scene girl:"Bitch imma delete you from my myspace friend's list."

by Macaulay Culkin April 12, 2007

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