Gender neutral name . The name Poppy means to rejoice . The name Poppy comes from a Jewish bible verse(Revelation 21:3 CJB. “Let us rejoice and plant poppies, that they may be our garden reminders that the Lord has come, the Lord saves, and He is God-with-us forevermore! .” )
Poppy is a name that is inspired from a flowers as well as Jewish history . Poppy is beautiful deep , rich full of historical events , as well it being a beautiful baby gender neutral name.
she used to be very bubbly, and the brightest person you could ever meet in ur life. she is someone that could love and be able to be loved by everyone.
but then in about 2 years she changed and turned into an self loving person -_-. which is why a poppy isn't friends with you, it is because she learned to love herself. which is nothing bad , but poppy's ex friend misses her. but her friends got dumped. =(, but its fine ig.
vicky; do u k poppy
pez ; yh she used to be my best friend
A light and bubbly person who secretly feels like life is slowly crushing in on her
Hey poppy she’s not doing great today
A bunch of preps / popular kids (usually girls) who are into fashion and mainstream things, keep up with trends, and love pop.
emo : i dont really trust poppies
me: yeah, me neither
A kind and gentile man who will never turn down sex no matter what
Me at 8am: hey Poppy wanna get laid!
Poppy: yessir
She is the nices person you could ever meat she is really bubbly and has an inside joke that only certain people would get. If u see a pirate ship run
Poppy is the person u need in your life.
A happy, jolly and bubbly person who always makes people laugh. She adores wildlife and dogs have to be her favourite animal. She loves the outdoors and loves to sit in trees and read a book. She is quite popular and kind. She is sweet and caring and will always be there for you, though she does like to be alone and do her own thing. She loves her family, animals, books and the outdoors. She is quite witty and happy and fun to be around. And is very much a tomboy. SHE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT BOYS.
Why is that girl up in that tree?
I dunno, she must be called Poppy