Source Code

Parental Stalking

When one's parents are to "stalk" their Facebook page, hunting for vulgar or inappropriate language or posts.

A: Can you hang today man?

B: Nope, I'm grounded.

A: Why?

B: For saying "Fuck" on Facebook.

A: Wow, so they were parental stalking you again?

B: Mhmm, I'm sick of their shit, I'm blocking them when I'm ungrounded.

by Onemanarmy675 November 14, 2011

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scud parent

A parent who shows up unexpectedly and explodes (like a SCUD missile). This can happen at school, sports, etc. Typically a SCUD parent shows up, throws a fit, and is gone again for another semester.

Jacob's got a major SCUD parent for a mom. I haven't seen her for six months and she shows up here making an ass of herself and just about ripped my head off. Related types of parents: helicopter mom, MIA mom.

by MathTeacherGuy May 11, 2008

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Parental Overthrow

When you are in the middle of having sex with someone and their parent walks in on you. You know they would be pissed to see you fucking their kid so before they say anything and call the cops on you, you say β€œYou’re next buddy!” Now the parent is in shock and you have about three seconds to put your clothes back on and getting the fuck outa dodge.

Parental Overthrow saved my life last night.

by My grandma just ate some prune April 19, 2019

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parents planking

When your parents embarrass you, and themselves, by attempting to plank.

They just don't get it quite right, but they think they're hip and uber-cool.

Planking itself is ridiculous. Parents planking is hilarious!

Mum, really, it's arms by your sides! Honestly, parents planking! *rolls eyes*

by LubeyLube June 10, 2011

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Brown Parenting

A seriously fucked up method to use to bring up a child. Typically parents in Southern Asia follow this style of parenting. But still really popular in India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, etc.

When I become a mother, I won't follow brown parenting norms to raise my child up

by HBKW May 14, 2020

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foster parents

The only pedophiles the government helps find kids to hook up with.

Most parents don't let their kids go out in sexy clothing. Foster parents won't let them stay inside with any.

by FriendofAlice August 6, 2017

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parent day

Parent day is on June 15 where you honor your parents and you do what they tell you.

Parent: do your chores! It’s parent day!

Kid: ok!

by Unknown unknown person October 26, 2019

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