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A sexual predator using the internet to catch underage kids

Hey George, i've heard you've been talking to Richard, i think he's a e-pedos

by bigdicknigga12 April 24, 2019

pedo goatie

A poor excuse for a shabby attempt at growing a beard. Usually worn by middle aged pedos who have given up trying to grow a #proper beard

"Shit the effin bed, what's that growing on your chin?"

"Its a beard!"

"No its not, its a pedo goatie"

by MrsDLT November 2, 2015


to turn someone pedophillic

He was pedo-fied by weird shows

by March 27, 2023

ur uncle pedo

one up from ur aunt ase

when this is said, everything in the universe (or in the void, if it is said there) turns into a random object

Sean: ur aunt ase
Bart: say that one more time
Sean: ur aunt ase
Bart: ur uncle pedo
*everything in the universe turns into a staple gun*

by PFJZESKTRHLJNIAWI:rk dvAKV,i w May 5, 2018

pedos of marvel

every person out there called molly who watches marvel

"You need to watch every single marvel movie, cast interview and stalk everyone in the cast to be a marvel fan!!!"

"Omg molly youre one of the pedos of marvel!"

by AmazingWordsTodayKids January 27, 2022

paddy pedo

paddy pedo is a person that hides in bushes or trees and will be a pedo he also gives you nonsense maths work that nobody can do we don’t like paddy

person 1: hey do u see that in the trees

person 2: omg yeah what is it ?
person 1: ITS PADDY PEDO

by u stank July 18, 2020

Pedo Gramps

A creepy older man, typically balding and/or with white hair, who looks like they most definitely diddle kids.

For a prime example, search "Judge Engoron"

See that Pedo Gramps lookin guy over there? Don't let the kids near him.

by Mynoduep October 27, 2023