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Pigeon Punting

When those stupid fucking pigeons look at you with their stupid fucking faces so you run up and punt the shit out of them.

Paul: Dude I went Pigeon Punting in New York.
Kevin: Dude why though?
Paul: They fucking stole my fries so I punted their ass.

by Nemoisdumb45 February 25, 2019

Beach Pigeon

Another term for a seagull used by many people

A beach pigeon shat on my head yesterday, I was gutted!

by Maxxxy93 May 28, 2018

Pigeon wash

A wash at the sink

I'm going to get a pigeon wash at the sink.

by Jellybeanpoo69 October 3, 2017

Pigeon Wind

A gust of gnarly wind caused by the frantic wing flapping of a large group of pigeons that usually blasts you in the face. The wind may carry miscellaneous contents or debris or MM (see 'MM' definition).

When you are walking down a busy street, be aware of the pigeons. If you try to move them out of your way so that you don't step on them, they will become frantic, start flapping their pigeon wings, kick up the dirt all around them and blow it in your face as they escape their demise. You just got a taste of pigeon wind. Nasty.

by BBeans November 19, 2010

Pigeon People

when you see someone as a pigeon. as in the body is feathers and only the head remains human

Help! I see pigeon people!!!!!

by pigeonspeople April 15, 2020

Lure Pigeon

A woman trying to test men by luring them into a trap set up by is his own girlfriend.

A woman that suckers you into a trap.

Samantha used Laura as a Lure Pigeon to test if her boyfriend was being faithful, turns out she was the one cheating!

by Shade Official June 16, 2020

Pigeon Mixtape

A series of songs compiled together into one long twenty minute track, usually with a shitty techno beat and some other random synth effects.

Person A: "Man, this song lasts forever!"
Person B: "Yeah, it's just another dumb Pigeon Mixtape. Let's go to a real party with real music."

by Punkspacewafers September 25, 2011