Bill & Wade Productions is a short film company that has directed and produced several semi-famous films. I.E. "The Stuph", "Bush in my Bed", and newest "The Run". It was formed by two seventeen year old highschool students (Bill & Wade) in North Carolina. The material for their films is usually random and pointless. But none the less funny. You can see all their work at their myspace page.
Random person- "Dude have you seen dat movie dat be on enturnet? its funny!
other Random person- "yeah "The Stuph"? Its so funny!!! I laughed till i puked! Its by Bill & Wade Productions! They make all kinds of funny films!
Random person- "Thanks man!"
Holy cow the shelves are full of cosmic products
Do you like my cosmic product
3 Super Products = Cosmic product
End of the world gun, grenade launcher attachment, laser scope = Cosmic product
Pomegranate, honey, cbd mixed = Cosmic product
Water, Suger, Coffeebeans = Cosmic product
3 in one already built ready to go
I want a cosmic product weapon.
A Team that specialized in any region they choose.
Loster X Production makes Fortnite Montages and Video Games.
When a tech product (such as an app) works so well already that they actively make it worse by implementing features no one needs.
Yeah, Discord is definitely suffering from solid product syndrome.
(n.) A TV Show, or Podcast, made to make fun of a product, making them seem like a joke.
its so blatant product deplacement its hilarious.
Restricting a process or job in a particular way that makes it less efficient and of lesser quality.
The job site supervisor was really into production throttling. It took twice as long and came out terrible.
The office manager was terrible at logistics and quality control. All the paperwork was filed in the wrong order and had to be refiled.
The government agency wanted to increase quality through regulation and control, but really accomplished nothing but production throttling.
When a squeeze bottle is low on product and makes fart sounds when you squeeze it.
We’ve got ketchup in the fridge, but we’re almost out and it’s farting out product