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Robby shots

When you are being ridden cowgirl style and you get so excited at climax that you eject feces onto the bed.

Dude #1:“Dude what happened to your bed??”
Robby: “My bad I was giving out some Robby shots last night”

by Obunky February 7, 2024

Robbie Stevenson

A quiet and malevolent creature that is native to North Scotland. This creature is known to possess a dark presence, suggesting nefarious intent. Though it may appear to be threatening, all it really wants is a hug.

“you see that guy over there? He scares me.”

“Yeah that’s Robbie Stevenson, he doesn’t talk much.”

by SonorousPrime77 August 17, 2021

Robbie Carithers

What does the name robbie carithers mean

What does the name robbie carithers mean

by June 11, 2021

Robbie Black

The infamous drink of famous Irish warrior from Kerry, known to cause drunkeness after 2 pints and a tremendous pain the next morning.

Can I get 2 Robbie Blacks please?

Oh my head is killing me, why did I have that Robbie Black last night?

by dtvhr March 19, 2011

Robby Schad

He is usually very nice, but not on April fools day.

Hey look its Robby Schad

He's very nice

Not on april fools day!

by DirpDiamond April 1, 2022

Robbie Dodd

cool man

Robbie Dodd is a cool man

by akmsdichagwfuaeqvwbfvequwbfubq April 27, 2022

Robbie Droppa

A high school student that is ass at science and any game they play

Robbie Droppa is dog water at this game.

by Exclipsia March 11, 2024