To dog the boys by sleeping with men
I heard you terry simpson last night instead of coming to the pub
fucking weird as Horse Girl. normally blonde and a fucking retard. Likes correcting grammar for no reason and has an annoyingly obnoxious laugh.
fuck that girl is an Ella Simpson. She keeps running around neighing and shit
(Verb) Trying to fix a problem, but acting in a manner that actually results in a much worse and more complicated situation than to begin with.
That man says he will "drain the swamp", but in all likelyhood, he will just Homer Simpson it.
He really just Homer Simpsoned his friend's car, it's mangled now!
well how could you not live this fat meat eating obese being who is an alcoholic who loves everyone! Besides stupid Flanders. Screw Marge! Homer is mine.
whos Homer Simpson and what’s the deal with this guy?
Homer Simpson is the worlds best character
Probably one of the greatest cartoon dad, alongside Peter Griffin, Cleveland Brown and Bob Belcher.
To 'Pull a Homer Simpson': (informal, humorous) To succeed despite idiocy.
A man who can get away with anything that is NOT armed robbery
OJ Simpson may have gotten away with murder, but he got caught trying to commit armed robbery.