The term "legit skill issue" is used in the gaming world where 2 person when fighting and any one of them is not able to kill the other inspite of the fact that that player is playing the game for a long time is know as legit skill issue.
One player can't kill his opponent with shotgun is legit skill issue
One's ability to dominate your opponent in a skill based ranked multiplayer game, yet both the players started around same time since the release of the game.
I killed that sniper, legit skill issue!
When a furry have very good arguing skills, most often from arguing with haters
Lmfao he didn't know I had **furry arguing skills**
When a furry has great arguing skills
Lmfao he didn't know I had **furry arguing skills**
A skill, usually done with the aid of technology, which is completely pointless to learn how to do manually, as one would only lose access to technology in an apocalypse scenario, but that skill would be completely useless in an apocalypse.
"Hey Brie, can you help me out with MLA format?"
"No way Thomas, that's a total apocalypse skill. Just use a computer!"
Learned abilities for learning and studying
Early members were all involved in the provision of study skills support, but recognised the limitations of a purely study-skills approach.
Impressive skills that don’t take that long to learn.
You got mad minute skills bro.