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A girls anus

Josie’s got a nice starfish

by Pos starfish February 17, 2022


1. The shape of one's anus after a large bowel movement.

A: Dude, I took a deuce.

B: What happened.

A: My butthole looked like a starfish.

2. Tying a partner to a four poster bed and having your way with them

Example: Blindfolded woman to bed in expectation of a surprise.

The man teases her until she is "ready" and leaves her hanging.

Dude, look at my starfish
Should I bleach it?

Hey Jake
I starfished Tina last night.

Good, Bro. she's a ho

by Dee Oh Gee October 11, 2016


A slang term for butthole in the words of John Cena aka PeaceKeeper

I got a rash on my Starfish

by Jaketheduck April 18, 2022


Having no brain. Slang for being dumb.

Why am I being a starfish over simple things?

Stop being a starfish and answer the problem already!

by Keikeikeikeikei April 7, 2022


Someone with a heart too big for their own good and who glows in the dark and lights up the world.

She’s a starfish. Hey, Starfish! You’re the best.

by Reclaim reframe August 1, 2021



Spralled out in a public space due to drug fueled euphoria

He was so high at the Widespread Panic show he starfished on the lawn

by Bumsd1 January 22, 2021



Sprawled out in a public space due to drug fueled euphoria

He was so high at the Widespread Panic show he starfished on the lawn

by Bumsd1 January 22, 2021