When you eat Mexican and can not make it home so you have to pull over and make a shit tail across the hood of your wife's car
Did you hear about the shit tail Jonas made after Mexican??
When a metrosexual from your wow guild fails to pronounce a simple boss ability effectively.
Dana + Anal = Daenall
Get Swoped
Swope Life
When the string of a tampon is hanging freely from one's vagina.
Guy: are you on your period?
Girl: Yeah I am. How'd you know?
Guy: Your vagina tail is out
When your a tail sticks out of your naked booty hole and lights up the Earth so much it attracts all the girls with a love potion right towards your "sexy" body
"Yo that man-tail's lookin' fine, homie!"
"Yup, it is, and I need to do even more work on it."
when a dirt biker throws his bike sideways in the mid-air
Matt Lemon-LIme 41 East Coast Supercross, was throwing down some huge whipper tails all over Chad 630.
When a man attepts to cling to his youth by maintaining long hair in a ponytail. Usually he is also going bald and wears a ball cap as well.
Mark should quit clinging to scraps and cut that fail tail off.
Using your sphincter to push your feces in and out of your butt without touching the water.
"Do you guys sometimes poop out a little just to suck it back into your butt and see how far you can go before you lose it?"
"Oh, you mean Hog Tailing?"
"Hey Jim, where have you been? You missed a meeting."
"Sorry I've been hog tailing it in the bathroom for about 3 minutes, almost beat my personal record though."