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Insane I mean neurodivergent

A funny Tumblr saying. Not meant to be offensive.

xemous-stimsx: it's insane i mean neurodivergent how the horrors never stop
wowiezowie-1987: i'm legitimately insane i mean neurodivergent about Serial Experiments Lain

by eatingknees July 20, 2024

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A phrase used when something is insane


by cxshupnext March 28, 2024

Crime insanity

When criminals plead guilty to a crime of lesser seriousness than what they were convicted of, and afterwards being proud of said fact.

Crime insanity? A perfect example would be a Baltimore man recently convicted of 18 criminal counts including attempted murder and all he got was 6 months or less in jail for some stupid arson charge. This dude is now on tv claiming he shouldn't be out. What crime insanity.

by Sexydimma January 13, 2022

insanity sans

A alternative universe sans that has lost all control and has his brother.... head.

Me: Insanity sans is kinda scary but hes not real!
Insanity sans: staring at me while i have sleep paralysis

by spring boi February 16, 2021

I’ve never seen the world so insane before

These people are even more brainwashed than the Obama Generation. Troll season is beginning to pick up, big time.

I wonder if there will be loads of mass murders from so many confused and repressed people. (Hmn, just now waking up?)

I’ve never seen the world so insane before

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker December 10, 2020

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I’ve never seen the world so insane before

UD Jews, I’m talking to you

I’m not imagining things am I?

I’ve never seen the world so insane before

by Death Menace July 13, 2022

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insane balls

another over exaggerated way to say something is crazy or insane.

e: "i got scammed $500"
m: "woah, that's insane balls"

by CringeLord2149 August 11, 2021