Source Code

mexican lap band

Losing weight due to a tapeworm.

I lost 30 pounds after I got a Mexican lap band.

by dirtyezzio February 11, 2016

Tijuana Lap Dance

When you’re taking a dump and your bro needs to go too so he comes and sits on your lap and poops between your legs. No homo

Bro hurry up I have to poop, I’m about to come in and give you a Tijuana Lap Dance.

by Jackson Township January 30, 2022

lapping up the likes

An occasion where you temporarily withdraw from posting on Facebook so that you can focus on watching how many likes your tremendous previous status is now getting.

Harry: "dude, you should post some more statuses, that last one was awesome"

Roger: "nah man, it's only been a couple of hours and I'm still lapping up the likes"

by EddceLLent April 16, 2014

lap my bag

To lick enthusiastically a man's scrotum. As a dog laps a bone.

Instead of telling some douche to suck your dick, change it up and tell them to "lap my bag douche"

by Juice booty February 23, 2015

Two-Lap Tower

The act of person A sitting on person B's lap, while person B sits on toilet and both proceed to simultaneously shit.

Guy: Dude, Mark and Jacob are getting too close, I caught them doing the Two-Lap Tower last night.
Guy 2: Fuck man, that is weird.

by vortexwolf13 October 12, 2015

Sit on lap november

Does this mean there's no "no nut november"? No
Does this make "no nut november" harder? Yes
Sit on guy's laps to make "no nut november" way harder for them.

Tom: *Sits down*
Sarah: *Sits Down on Toms lap*
Tom: What are you doing, it's no nut november!
Sarah: I'm just making it harder for you. It's also "Sit on lap november".

by Yeetnignogs October 23, 2019

Victory lap

The lap that you drive around the area you just toked at to let all the smoke out of the windows. This action also claims the area as your smoking area for all to see.

-I saw you driving around my parking lot with smoke billiowing out your windows last night.

-Yea, I was driving my victory lap.

by MrZero March 3, 2011

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