It's in between an Upper Decker (pooping in the tank) and Dropping The Kids Off At The Pool (pooping in the bowl). You just drop the lid and go to work. It's a much more direct way of saying "Fuck You" to someone you despise. The poop on the lid makes a very slippery surface; much like a skating rink.
I can't wait to go to that asshole's party tonight! I'm going to stay as late as possible then Drop The Kids Off At The Skating Rink so he/she has to skate the scat with a hangover tomorrow! What a douchebag!
A very intense sport envolves skating so fast that you feel like you going faster that the speed of sound even though your grandmother can run faster than you skate. Unless you an Olympian
Guy1 “I’m going so fast right now. I must be going faster than Usain Bolt! I’m the best at speed skating”
Guy2 “no you’re not. That 4 year old is going faster than you”
Guy1 “oh. Sh*t”
An extreme sport where individuals strap knives on their feet and skate in circles on solid water at very high speeds. They may also touch the ice at times during skating in order to validate the ice’s feelings.
Bob: I really like going in circles and touching ice.
John: Join speed skating!!
the best skate 3 team to ever exist it is the pog team it is extremely good
yo have you heard of the best skate 3 team dark skating?
A masterpiece of a game and should be treated like it
Can be either in a good way or a bad way as we all love skating and we either love or hate the feeling it gives us (fear and sadness as it can lead to pain or excitement and joy)
A: Hey how are things with Jenny?
B: Not good I just don’t know where I am with her she really puts my heart on skates sometimes.
Where you lay out a load of empty 2 litre bottles in a row, place a skateboard with no wheels ontop, run and jump on it, and then roll along. It's bloody hard and can hurt like hell, but its pretty fun to do.
"Have you just been bottle skating?"
"Yeah, and I've fractured my wrist in two places."
"But it was fun, right?"
"Hell yeah!"