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real dreams

when a person has dreams that are so real, they can't decipher reality from dreamland.

My dreams are so crazy, I never know what was real vs. a dream until I get up & continue living life. Shit is always real dreams, yo!

by GlazeHer November 4, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Covivid dreams

While asleep, fully experiencing the life we miss, during the covid-19 pandemic.

In the sunlight, he was walking freely among other people, everyone smiling at each other, holding hands. A woman approached him, oh my God, she was so beautiful, and she looked into his eyes and kissed him. - These were his Covivid dreams, every night, and he found them thrilling.

by Monkey's Dad April 23, 2020

dream style

This term has been a small but circulating term that represents the accomplishments or accusations of popular Minecraft speed runner Dream, who has made world records, was accused of cheating, and continued to respond to the accusations by making a extremely long video debunking the math made against him.

1. To accomplish or extraordinarily complete something, whether it be in a game or in real life.

2. To cheat or work around something in a game or real life

3. To make a long essay or video explaining something or someone.

"I'm about to destroy this player dream style."

by orcacola January 18, 2021

Dream luck

Dream luck means when someone is extremely lucky in a game like the speedrunner dream(player who is extremely lucky)

Bro u have dream luck
Ik right

by vivianyayay February 7, 2023

Dream Theater

The best fucking band in the world. Period.

... Forsaken in The Dark Eternal Night with my Endless Sacrifice to a Dance Of Eternity. I will rise Another Day to be In The Presence of Enemies, and then Lie to You Not Me. I' Burning My Soul in Hell's Kitchen while begging In The Name Of God to Just Let Me Breathe and Take Away My Pain. If you try to Pull Me Under, I will Raise The Knife and make you The Root Of All Evil. As I Am like Perfect Strangers to you, I will give you a Goodnight Kiss before you Disappear and get somebody to to see Through My Words .. because It's Only A Matter Of Time before I end up Beyond This Life just like A Fatal Tragedy with a Strange Deja Vu. Take a look at yourself .. in The Mirror. That's Dream Theater.

by loathsome.us August 7, 2007

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One Dream

to fully live the one dream you have to:

A) become the greatest footballer to grace the beautiful game of futbol

B) captain your country to fifa world cup supremacy

C) wear a track suit at all times, except for when playing football for your club or international club

I found my passion for footballing after my parents disowned me and I went out in a single streetlight kicking a football against a brickwall. It all led up to me captaining my country, Mexico, to the Fifa world cup..when the celebrations are over i am walking off the pitch in Soccer city johannesburg, while wearing my track suit and spiked hair and a single mexican child comes up and asks for my autograph... oh oh oh ohoh...

One Dream

by footballer63 January 23, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

freak the dream

just live your life and don't care what the haters say

dude i'm just trying to "freak the dream"

by partyyourfaceoff1 March 6, 2009

30๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž