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Homie Check

When a friend or close friend checks in on you, most likely to see how you are doing.

Close friend's text messages:

(Close Friend): Homie check!
(You): Ayo what's good.
(Close Friend): Just checkin' in, man.
(You): *response differs depending on how you are doing*

by Kairo_7 October 6, 2021

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homie hookup

Although Anthbropologists have observed such brohavior as early as the Broman Empire, the homie hookup is a relatively new classibrocation of brolationship categorized by 2 (or more)bros who engage in one-time or temporary sexual brolations, without any brommitments or dating arrangements.
These brolationships are often temporary, less they blossom into a full on bromance.
Typically initiated by the alpha bro towards a bro of mid to low brocial status in the brocial dominance broarchy.
Currently illegal in the Broviet Union, yet bros have brolitical heavyweights such as Brobama, Bro Biden, Brope Francis strongly defending the rights of bros at home and aBroad.

add it to your brocabulary.

"If ye bro asketh ye for a blow, do not give him a snake. That's selfish. Blow and ye shall be blowed ten times over"
-the bible

"When yo bro aks annova bro u kno for him to be him ho"
-A wise old bro from whence we do not know

For female bros see breast friends
for related terms see also:

Broletariat vs. the Brogeoisie,
Broseidon lord of the Broceon,
Brozilla Firefox,
Bro Pain, Bro Gain,
My Chemical Bromance,
The fine State of Brohio,
Benificial Brobiotics,

"Us bros take an annual broad trip in the subroru crossbrover every Febroary, and you know when the brotents go up and the brotanks come off there’s no telling what kinda homie hookups might go down in brotown”

by anarchocapy March 13, 2018

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Jugalo Homie

Term derived from the musical group ICP. Meant to express mad love and comradery between any two people. A closer friend than a regular "Homie"

"Wasup my Jugalo Homie"

by Ho Fosho June 22, 2006

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homie humper

A white girl who likes the black dong.

....................HOMIE HUMPER!!!!

by kbabe342 May 4, 2007

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Homie Dome

Refers to the "dome" shape your "homie" makes with his/her hands around your smoking utensil in order to block the wind while you light up.

Homie #1: "Yo cholo can I get a homie dome real quick? It's windy as a fucking wind storm out here"
Homie #2: "Yee, no problem ninja"

by Sir Tokes-Alot January 17, 2012

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Down Homie

A friend who is with you through thick and thin. "Down" refers to the act of being there matter what. "Homie" is short for another slang, "Homeboy."

He'll take a bullet for me, a down homie.

by shaguru October 24, 2011

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Mobile Homie

1)Anyone who thinks they are "ghetto" or "street" because they wear an oversized, straight brimmed, fitted hat, especially wiggers when in reality the only β€œghettos” have been in Europe.

2)Anyone who puts after market parts on their car that are worth more than the piece of shit it self.

1)Any one who goes to MacDuffie and thinks they are β€œghetto” is a Mobile Homie.

2)Check out that Mobile Homie, his welfare check just bought him a body kit that doesn’t match the rest of his crappy Honda/Toyota.

by Ben Norton November 27, 2003

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