A slime alien orgy where most or all participants morph into one giant blob
Slime aliens invaded earth, killed all humans, and turned the planet into fuck wad central.
A “Fuck wad” is someone who looks up Fuck wad in the dictionary.
Tyler is a fuck wad because he’s a dumb ass little bitch.
“See you later alligator”
“Alright peace to the wads”
An undefined amount of money saved for vehicle modification usually kept either in a large roll of cash or in a lock box/ safe.
(Gabrial)- hey Kendall don't go blowing your mod wad on a cheap spoiler or valve stem caps save it for a turbo!
A "Wad-snogger" is a Nerd/Dork with an Alpha-Type Attitude.
A "Wad-snogger" can also be a derogatory term to describe a "Sissy Bitch." (Only in certain cases can the Word be appropriate.)
James is such a Wad-snogger. His inability to get girls will forever haunt him.
Jessica: Hey, did you hear?
Alice: no...
Jessica: Danny is a "Wad-snogger"
Alice: wtf
“That’s wad” is another way of saying “that sucks” or “that’s ass”
“Bro, I completely bombed my math test”
“That’s wad”
when you nut in your hand and then ball it up and throw it at someone
DUDE CATCH! ew dude thats a nut wad