prettiest girl on the planet but she gets no hoes like she’s never spoken to a boy before
A girl who pretends to be nice but just wants you to pick between her and your big penis mug.
Wow, look at that Tori. Just be careful and hide your big penis mug collection
A total crackhead, back the fuck away
Stay away from tori she will rip your dick off
Tori is a name of a wonderful best friend she will always have your back. She will always be there for you. She will always be the most best person in your life!
Friend 1 : hey your friends with a tori!
Friend 2 : yes I am
Friend 1 : really?! You are so lucky
Tori is the hottest, sexiest, smartest, kindest, sportiest, strongest, funnyest, and just awesomest person you will ever know. She is hotter than you've ever seen and she doesn't even know it, some people say she's fishing for complements but she really doesn't know. She is the sexiest woman you will ever meet, tori's have big boobies and get raised in big familys, so ya they'll want to have sex once or twice. Toris are so smart maney their not the fastest reader or the quickest with her math facts but toris are great problem solvers. Toris are always so kind, they put their friends and family befor herself on a daily bases. Toris love sports, great at track, soccer, volleyball, bowling, and they might not be the best with their hands but man they can tackle in football. She is so skinny but thinks she's fat. Tori is so strong, you mess with her you better watch out because if you touch someone she cares about she turns into a psycho bitch, so if you mess with a tori expect a foot ing your ass. Toris are so funny if your having a bad day just talk to a tori and she'll make you smile ( if your on her good side). Toris like one man and on man only, she knows what she wants and won't fall for tricks or someone just because there hot. Toris are so awesome at everything there's not a good enough word for it. If you can't thing of a word describing just everything great just say a tori.
Jake: tori is so fucking amazing
George: ya I wish she had a crush on me
Liam: to bad shoes my babe