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X-Box Tough

Someone who acts cocky, trash talks about you and your mom, and claims he can beat up anyone. Generally said by pre-teens with no social interactions.

Boy 01: "Yeah that kid over there? He was talking smack about my mom and claiming he could whoop my ass."
Boy 02: " so what happened after that!?"
Boy 01: "So I found him after school, told him he gets on free punch, stood there like a coward, and then I whooped his ass!"
Boy 02:" Nothing worse than acting like something yo are not. He's X-Box Tough"

by Shrek8donkey September 1, 2020

tough titty

Suck it up, deal with it, and quit whining.

Quote from Little Shop of Horrors (Arguably the best musical film of its time):

"Plant: Feed me!
Seymour: No! No more! I can't take living with the guilt!
Plant: Tough titty!
Seymour: You watch your language!

Plant: Aw, cut the crap! Bring on THE MEAT!"

by Bullcharge31 March 26, 2023

Tough Titties

When stuff is tough, life is tough etc. for the girls and gays, and the queens and queers to use

Invented 1950s or sometin

Jack: I dont wanna take this class man
Teacher: Tough Titties, Jack

by dbjkdbskbf August 30, 2020

Telephone Tough Guy

Someone who acts tough or hardcore through a telephone or computer but lacks the courage to act accordingly in person. Telephone Tough Guy

Todd is a coward in person but acts like he is Mike Tyson over the telephone/computer, he is a real telephone tough guy.

by Markizel May 19, 2019

Tough Potatos

When you are tired of hearing someone complaining all the time. Life is hard, stuff happens get over it.

Bill: man I cannot catch a break, my boss hates me, I got a flat, my girl is mad at me.
Frank: Tough potatos man, you are constantly crying about something.

by Brave Feather January 30, 2017

Tough muffler

When a girl goes down on a guy in the rain while he fingers her

I just got a tough muffler in the park

by Binary01 July 24, 2019

tough game

your so bad, madden tells you to rage quit after being down by 21 or more points.

Your having a tough game, honestly just quit.

by ecogamez April 7, 2024