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fort wookie

A cracker who builds shit forts

That fort wookie is ass.

by Hajakdbdboslsb February 22, 2018

festered wookis

i herad this word from my brother in law
a festered wookis is a vaginal zit that is oozing a yellowish brown puss like substance

that hurts like a festered wookis.

by prankstamenace January 5, 2010

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Wookie diraslop

A concoction of any ingredients you have around the house to make a drink.

“Yo you wanna go out tonight”

“ nah I’d rather just sit at home and make some wookie diraslop

by Bennygang123 May 30, 2018

pookie wookie sugarplum snugglebunny

A person that you love very much even if they don't love you back!

Jay is my pookie wookie sugarplum snugglebunny

by cxshupnext October 24, 2023

wookie smooch

When a guy sits on a girls face and she has to kiss his "wookie"

Carlie: Dan gave me the best wookie smooch ever last night

Beth: He gave me one of those last week at the dance

by Kooter Miller April 4, 2016

Cookie Wookie

Is a sexual move made buy a man with a beard and a woman with a tanned vagina buy him planting his face on the vagina and howling like a wookie.

She says"Will you howl like a wookie on my vagina?"
He says"Do you mean a Cookie Wookie?"
She says" Sure."

by Sunnykittyshine October 27, 2019

pookie wookie cookie bears

This is a term used to a large group of friends/best friends and often used in discord chats or alliances.

Those are my pookie wookie cookie bears.

by Number1pookieuser July 7, 2024

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