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Something to say when you have nothing to say. Or when you mean yes but can’t find the “s” which is occasionally below the “e”

Yea, she really killed it out there.”

by Ari_isa_Aries March 17, 2018




by Send Help It's an Emergen-c April 18, 2020


happy peek: huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh

oro: yee

peek: disappointment


by Diglettttt January 29, 2019


YEE: A term typically used in conjunction with an individuals arousal stemming from a given set of circumstances. The “YEE” term was first created by infamous Bay Area rappers such as: Mac Dre (aka Mac Drizzle, MD etc...), E-40 and other scrubs like Keak Da Sneak. Typically one will yell or spell multiple “YEES” in order to emphasize the level of excitement. LIKE YEE!!

Like YEE!

by Elcoronado March 5, 2020


A Latin way of saying Ariana Grande's yuh

Thank you next

Thank you neext

Yuh yee

Thank you next

by Bangtangboizstv April 25, 2021


Best word in the language

Guy: Hey bro I'm gonna go to the store
Guy 2: yee

by Ronald McDonald bigmac23 April 20, 2019


A word used by Oro the dinosaur in the German kids cartoon Dinosaur Adventures. Commonly used my CrankthaFrank fans known as Yeemo's, who are merely educated emo's or repressed emo's

Yeemo #1-Did you see CrankthatFrank's new video
Yeemo #2-Yee

by KilljoysShipFrerard March 24, 2018