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Dino Tamer Dom

Generally a pretty good kit in roblox bedwars , good for bed breaking and fighting with no downsides , it is a simple kit to use and also boosts your movement speed.

Dino Tamer Dom is a really good kit for ranked

by BordeDThEAirpalne January 16, 2023

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Fuck Dom December

Women must have sex with dominic every day for the whole month of December

Well it is that time of the year ya know

Oh yeah fuck Dom December how could I forget I had to break up with my girl cause of this shit hahaha

Hey have you seen dom??

it is that time of the year ya know

Oh yeah fuck Dom December how could I forget I had to break up with my girl cause of this shit hahaha

by Sexy Texan 2000 November 20, 2021

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Fuck Dom December

You must have sex with dominic every day for the whole month of December

Hey have you seen dom??

Well it is that time of the year ya know

Oh yeah fuck Dom December how could I forget I had to break up with my girl cause of this shit hahaha

by Sexy Texan 2000 November 13, 2021

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Dom Pedro II

The most Based and Redpilled emperor of Brazil and the best Monarch ever. Dom Pedro II was smart, strong, a good person, he modernized Brazil and lead the country to a greatness and he is the reason why Brazil should have a monarchy again.

Person 1: Bro I just studied Brazilian History, and Dom Pedro II was such a based guy!
Person 2: I know right?! He was so cool!

by ImperatorCaesar January 25, 2021

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Fokken dom poes

A word used mainly (or only in my knowledge) in southern Africa to refer to a group or person that is ever not making sense or a nicer way of saying the person is not that bright or smart
The word Fokken used in front shows its an opinion or statement ,towards the person saying the sentence(this is the correct form but its almost never used as such)
Poes at the end rounds it down and can be left out but will make the statement harsh to the individuals

The man going crazy is a fokken dom poes .
This group is fokken dom poes.
Its not nice calling someone dumb rather say foken dom poes.

by Geinstein June 21, 2018

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Asmr dom gf

You know listen to these audios it makes you feel like these girls are in front of you and they really want you and they love you so much even doe in the audios you might have disobeyed them or made them mad they still love and care for you so much oh my heart. πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

Asmr dom gf: i own you you are mine

by Mike the quiet one December 8, 2021

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Doms Dirty Duo

To finger a girl using your index and middle finger whilst at Dom's Nightclub in Mildura, Australia.

"I gave that girl the doms dirty duo the other night"

by a-dayum August 28, 2014

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