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Stable Pony

A cheap Irish bastard...who makes everyone else pay when out on the town usually failing to buy their own beer, cigarettes or anything for that matter. Their only purpose in life is to entertain people with their empty, pointless conversations and actions leading to fist fights or the accumulation of tears shed for their own self loathing.

Stable Pony

by Black Mask September 30, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

pony express

the act of defecating into a mailbox. a particularly difficult technique usually used as a punishment.

-Dude, Bill Six shit in his ex-girlfriend's mailbox!
-Ah, yes, the pony express!

by jhubillsixfan March 9, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ride That Pony

A game created by thespians at Roosevelt Highschool in Des Moines, Iowa. It has been passed down multiple times, but they were the real creators.
A group of ten+ people stand in a circle while a few people go around in an inside circle pretending to ride a pony while singing a song.

The song goes like this:
Woooo, ride that pony
Woooo, ride that pony
Woooo, ride that pony

This is how we ride

Then, the inside circle stops on whatever person the "this is how we ride" ended at, and dances. That portion of the song goes:
Front to front to front my pony
back to back to back my pony
side to side to side my pony
This is how we ride,

The people dancing then switch places with the person they were dancing with, and they then become the inside circle, then repeat.

Amazing game, for shizzle.
Kirsten: Let's play ride that pony
Bob: Heck yahhh, go Thespian games!

by whatchusayyy December 9, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

crystal pony

a pony that has been fed meth. how to tell if you have a crystal pony on your hands:

1. it just lies down frothing at the mouth
2. it might cough up blood
3. it likes eating mud

"oh no!" said man1
"what?" said man2
"thats a crystal pony!" said man1
"so...." said man2
"i want a ride!" said man1
"dude hes eating your pants!" said man2
"feets dont fail me now!" said man1

by shizmoo July 2, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

pony up

To put up enough money to stay in a hand of poker.

You need to pony up the cash in order to stay in the hand.

by Bill February 9, 2004

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electric pony

The act of doing a guy/girl from behind while shaving one's own anal hairs. Just as one is about to blow one's load, he pulls out and squirts a line along the receiver's back. He then sprinkles the anal hairs along the line to create a mane, much like that of a pony.

Once you've done the electric pony, you are truly a pimp.

by Marco (Jesus) April 5, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

pony up

Just do it, brave up, man up

pony up and ask her out!

by <3? January 4, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž