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alexander peacock

a male retarded middle ages semi bald retard who has intimate relations with a horse...
a delinquint ugly man whose mistress must be of russian descent and could have grown a 3rd foot during the nuchlear war.
a semi green looking duck whose life revolves around stale bread

i hope i never become a alexander peacock
eww that guys life is soooo alexander peacock

by sweedish babe 12 February 28, 2009

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alexander fishstick

Lube your dick with fish oil. Finger the girl in the asshole so she gets real horny. Now, place your dick in her mouth while still fingering her in the ass. Before you cum, you kick her in the vagina and say, "Go choke on a sausage!" The funny thing is, she is choking on a sausage, yours!

My boyfriend alexander fishsticked me last night. It felt good until he kicked me in the vagina!

by Jakob124124 May 4, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alexander Fulcher

A North American eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) characterized by a brownish-black body and a white head and tail in the adult. Also called American eagle.

Alexander Fulcher flew gracefully over the mountain.

by Nizar December 19, 2006

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Alexander ( Alex )

a massive cunt that just wants his dick wet even if it means he's gonna get herpes. Emotionally abusive and toxic. Will apologize for one minute then blame everything on you. Cheats continuously, should never be trusted. Looks like a mf goblin hacks into ppls instas and posts pornographic images. overall a fucking cunt that will fuck a hamster if it means he's gonna get to use his dick. ( he's also a raging alcoholic, has a 30% average, and is super manipulative and will only use you for your body and gifts! )

me: alexander ( alex ) is a fuckin prick that needs to get his shit together
alex: i love you please come back
me: you've cheated now like 5 times
alex: i promise ive changed, I only cheated on you with her bc since I moved I havent had any physical connection
( then proceeds to hack my instagram account leading it to be deleted )

by urtherealcrazyexhere December 16, 2018

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Alexander Albon

A driver not worthy to be in Formula 1.

Red Bull to Alexander Albon circa 19/12/20:

by Shitlife November 19, 2020

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Brandy Alexander

One of the greatest local bands from North Carolina

I'm not in it but I see them all the time

by Jeremy Dehart April 18, 2005

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Alexander Kim

An Asian that loves creating nukes, and make dumb decision.

a alexander kim made a nuke to destroy something

by Your friendly neighbor bob February 5, 2018

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