Someone who loos for attention most times their names start with a and end with an i
______ is an attention grabber
A true funny MF, some would call this type of person a doof
Why is attention whorm so cool?
A female singer doesn't need the attention of any one male in particular, but without the attention of any males, wouldn't her sex cease to be superior to males? She would really become one of the guys, one of the rest of the guys, an equal, a nobody, a loser, and any other insult you can think of for a guy that doesn't spend his entire life trying to prove he is something other than that to a female. The queen would no longer be the most powerful piece on the chess board, because their would be no more game, no more board. She could seek the attention of females, but she would no longer know having the support of mixed company, the police and court systems, and society at her disposal, and female suicide rates might even catch up to their male peers for the first time in history, since the two sexes would be equal. Living something closer to the reality males live, crimes committed by females might get more violent, and they might have to spend as much time in jail per crime as males for the first time in history if that hapoened, since the two sexes would be equal. All attention from any male would be unwanted, and there would be no guys left to play, so females would have to form their front line, and males would have to form theirs. There would be no guys left to play against each other as good people and bad people, they would all be the enemy based on their sex.
Her money and power didn't depend on the attention of any one male, but if all males ignored her, would she still keep trying to beat them on their own turf or would she straighten herself out a little bit? Perhaps the world will know one day, but until then, that's the way it is. Guys haven't been too good at resisting giving away their male attention freely, perhaps females would get as angry as guys are used to being all the time if they did.
An internet attention seeker is somebody who will say something controversial just to get attention. They may attack the LGBTQ+ community or say something controversial such as "Pineapple on pizza is the best thing ever, anybody who disagrees sucks" and the tactics they use usually work. They are usually called a troll when somebody finds out the tactics, but the difference between a troll and an internet attention seeker is that the troll is not seeking any type of huge attention, and they will usually keep the trolls on the low.
"Stop being an internet attention seeker, twitter user"
Also 'attention shit' for the world outside the UK and Ireland. An act of defecation by a pet dog or cat, designed to get the attention of the owner/master, who has done (or not done) something to annoy said pet.
Jesus! The cat's dropped an attention shite in the laundry hamper again! Did you forget to feed her!?
A person who blocks people just to talk shit about them over social media and seeks agreement with likes and comments.
Carla is such a chey'd flexin attention ho! She blocked Nicole and then talked shit about her and if Nicole had something to say bring it on but Nicole couldn't see anything from being blocked.
Comments from unblocked people:
The act of given one attention
Bayla was not attentioning tamar