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bake over

when you smoke a lot of weed the day before and you wake up light headed the next day very lazy not wanting to do anything, this is usually cured by smoking more weed.

joe:chris i can't we smoked an 8th by ourselves last night, man i have a bake over right now.

by lang gwai lo February 15, 2010

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baked bunny

A girl who thinks she's a bunny from being baked so much. She swears at loud noises, has sex, drinks vodka, nice only sometimes, and can kick anyone's ass. Her boobs are small but are getting bigger every day.

Maggie: Hey, where were you last night?
Tori: Oh, with Robin.
Maggie: Oh, baked bunny?
Tori: Yeah, she was f*cked up and kept yelling. I think it's because was really high and drunk.

by howdoyoulikemenow June 12, 2009

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Baked Cookies

The act of getting high and watching porn on the internet for a long period of time.

Dude, Chad and I baked cookies last night on my girlfriends computer, it was chill.

by effinbrian March 11, 2011

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baked potato

a mentally disabled person stuck in a fire

after SB's house burned down she found her daughter in the state of baked potato

by stupidcunt1726 February 11, 2019

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bread baked

a phrase meaning the act of getting one's hair cut

"Hey Duvall, I see you got your bread baked."

by Woozlee March 16, 2007

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drake and bake

smoking some herb and listening to nick drake

fuck class, it's time to drake and bake.

by jfclay March 22, 2008

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Baking Cookies

The act of eating raw cookie dough while incredibly baked

I was so high last night that I pulled out a tub of cookie dough and started baking cookies.

by Jiveturkey January 17, 2013

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